SOLVED: How to Fix OneDrive Not Starting in Windows 10 - I can't see any OneDrive icons

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Fix “Microsoft OneDrive Has Stopped Working” Error - Privacy & Transparency


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One drive not working windows 10.OneDrive won't start

  › MiniTool News Center. Select the Start button, search for “OneDrive”, and then open it: In Windows 10, select the OneDrive desktop app. In Windows 7, under Programs, select.    


8 Effective Fixes to OneDrive Not Running on Windows 10.


Ask a new workjng. Since upgrading my laptop 8. One drive not working windows 10 on the desktop appears to start when turning the computer one drive not working windows 10, if file explorer is opened immediately after starting, the onedrive folder list show the syncing icon and the icon is present in bot notification area.

Within a minute or two of starting, адрес icon will disappear from the notification area and the sync icons will disappear from узнать больше здесь folders in the file нажмите для продолжения listing.

The process involved with syncing files the?. It appears wineows onedrive is starting but fails soon after start without notifying me of a failed process. All нажмите сюда suggested fixes I've seen involve using the notification area icon or resetting the sync. Not possible for me. Are there any troubleshooting steps I can take to see what's going on? Anyone else have this issue? I can understand that the OneDrive app is not working in Windows The issue might arise due to app corruption or due to syncing issue.

Resetting the sync. However, you can also try the following смотрите подробнее and check if the issue persists. SFC scan ont scan for corrupt system files on the computer and repair them. Try these steps to create a new user account drife check if it fixes the issue.

Refer to the drkve below to create a new User Account:. Hope this information is helpful. Do let us know if you need any further assistance, we'll be glad to assist you.

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Unsolicited bulk mail or bulk advertising. Any link to or workinng of virus, spyware, malware, or phishing sites. Any other inappropriate content or behavior as defined by the Terms of Use or Code of Conduct. Any image, link, or discussion related to child pornography, child nudity, or other child abuse or exploitation. Details required : characters remaining Cancel Submit 1 person found this driev helpful. Was this reply helpful? Yes No. Sorry this didn't help. Thanks for your feedback.

The troubleshooter does not work with Windows 10, in fact the troubleshooter itself stops short of running and a popup window states the troubleshooter does not work with "this version of windows". How will a new user account fix anything. I'm having problems with eorking primary account on one of two machines. Onedrive works wincows my laptop, it dorking NOT work on my desktop. Explain how adding a different user account will fix anything.

I may have a work around. If I am correct, then /23651.txt will have to code widnows fix type one drive not working windows 10 to correct the problem. Because I found the old windows 7 app still there, and eorking would not uninstall or run. So my theory is that as of this /3055.txt the existing set up routine for one drive does not detect and clean up all previous versions of the software when it runs. This failure to clean up old version files in the nor folders creates a conflict with the version /7742.txt is part of windows 10 and this makes it fail.

Noot deleting my account, and recreating it workkng scratch fixed my problem. To me this clearly points to a conflict with existing files or settings in one drive not working windows 10 existing user account settings. Thank you everyone for your suggestions. Details required : characters remaining Cancel Submit.

When I run the troubleshooter it exits saying that it doesn't support this version of windows. I have windows 10 on my desktop. I tried method 1 and when I ran the TS a message came up and said the program was not 100 with this version of Windows. I tried the second method and Window X brought up a list of items to run, none windods which were the run command.

I tried Window R and the run command came up. My laptop also has Windows 10 and it is working fine. Help would be appreciated as the work I have done has not been sent to one drive. This is rather upsetting as I cannot нажмите для продолжения any document I created on the desktop on my laptop. Choose where you want to search below Search One drive not working windows 10 the Community.

Search the community and support articles Windows Windows 10 Nlt Community member. Robert Sullian. This thread is locked. You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread.

I have the same question Report abuse. Details required :. Cancel Submit. Previous Next. Hi Robert, Thank you for posting your query in Microsoft Community. If the issue still exists, нажмите для деталей the next method. Method 3: You may check the same issue with the new user account.

Refer to the steps below to create a new User Worknig Go to Settings. Choose Accounts and then select Other User Accounts towards the left. Select Add an Account. Enter a user name and hit Next.

Click on Finish. Sign out from the current Account and Log into the new account. Check one drive not working windows 10 issue persists. How satisfied are you with this reply? Thanks for your feedback, it helps us improve the site. In reply to A. User's post on August 27, Thanks for the attempt at help, but there are a few problems with your suggestions. In reply to Robert Sullian's post on August 29, Same problem worling with OneDrive on my Surface Pro 3.

I can also confirm that the link above does not work for Windows 10 which is too bad because I was hoping it would be a simple fix that would sync my device again. Keep us posted if you find a solution Robert! I can't believe a support engineer missed that this is a windows 10 specific problem. Here is my history. I had a windows 7 laptop that I downloaded and installed what one drive not working windows 10 now One Drive on don't remember what it was called then.

I got a new windows 8 PC and gave the laptop to my girlfriend. We set up a user account for her and made her a member of the admin group so that she had full control of the pc.

I urged her to upgrade the laptop to drve 10 and she did while logged in with her account. As this was the first time use after the OS upgrade, one drive tried to run a start up configuration routine, that failed every time.

That is the history of how Нажмите для деталей got here. Here is my work around. While logged in as her account the existing admin account that installed windows 10 for which one drive was working I deleted my user account and all the user account files. Then I created a new user account for myself, same windows live /11734.txt, and drjve it a member of the administrators group I don't know продолжить чтение admin access is needed.

Then when I tried to use one drive for the first time, the setup routine ran and worked. I hope this helps someone else. In reply to williamdobbie's post on September 23, I am having a lot of one drive not working windows 10 with One Drive not syncing correctly in Windows
